I am happy now that I am feeling and looking fit and healthy.

I enjoy the refreshing change of having blind faith.

I am happy now that I can picture the results of my work.

I am making a positive lifestyle change with benefits that are lasting me my whole life.

I am reaching my ultimate goal by winter of 2013 so I can fully enjoy the beach and travel.

One Year: Lose 100 lbs or be 200 lbs 34" waist by February 2013

3 Month Goal: Lose 25 lbs

Weekly Goal: lose 2 lbs


visualize success
some physical activity everyday
no takeout on weekdays
small frequent meals
less sugar and starch
less fat
more protein
gallon of water

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Lost Is a Repeat, :-(


Quite proud of myself this a.m. Got up early and hit the gym before work

bike: -240 kcal

Breakfast: half bagel + lite cc = 110 + 30 = 140 kcal

Lunch: Bread + Yogurt Dip + Rice Dish + Small Piece of Chocolate = 200 + 200 + 400 + 100 = 900 kcal

Snack: Corn Dog + Ketchup = 240 + 40 = 280 kcal

Running Total: 1040 + 280 = 1320 kcal

now that leaves me ~ 5-600 kcals for the rest of the evening. Just on a lark I thought I'd adhere to the don't deny yourself mantra and see if this could be accomplished at the local KFC.

This is what I used to eat at one sitting:

4 piece crispy combo (That's half a whole chicken folks!) = 1180 kcal

2 Corn on the Cob + Butter = 300 + 240 = 540

4 Biscuits + Butter + Honey = 4 (190) + 100 + 175 = 1035

1 large Coleslaw = Assuming four individuals in one = 760 kcal

For a grand total for ONE meal = 1180 + 540 + 1035 + 760 = 3515 kcal WOW!

ok so lets modify

Cut everything in half we have ~1750 kcal

so 2 piece chicken, 1 corn on the cob & butter, 2 biscuits & b&h, 2 indiv slaws

now take off some butter, one pat from the corn

-60 kcal

now take off one biscuit & b&h

-225 kcal

only one coleslaw

-190 kcal

Total deductions off of the half: 60 + 225 + 190 = -475 kcal

Now our meal is = 1750 - 475 = 1275 kcal

OK still have to cut ~ 500 kcal

Let's try to build from the ground up:

2 piece chicken -> 2 drumsticks = 280 kcal (instead of other combinations)

coleslaw = 190 kcal

corn + small butter = 150 + 30 = 180 kcal

KFC Total = 280 + 190 + 180 = 650 kcal

Oops forgot about the snack:

Snack: Carrot + Light Ranch Dip = 180 kcal

That Means we have ~200 kcal less to work with :-(

With the forgotten snack and the KFC meal, the daily total would be = 2150 kcal

Close but no cigar,

I'll do the frozen stuff instead.

He who fights and runs away,
lives to fight another day...

One Frozen Sailsbury Steak Dinner = 210 kcal

Popcorn = 260 kcal

Pretzel = 110 kcal

Grand Total = 1320 + 180 + 210 + 260 + 110 = 2080 kcal

890 + 80 = +970 kcal

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