I am happy now that I am feeling and looking fit and healthy.

I enjoy the refreshing change of having blind faith.

I am happy now that I can picture the results of my work.

I am making a positive lifestyle change with benefits that are lasting me my whole life.

I am reaching my ultimate goal by winter of 2013 so I can fully enjoy the beach and travel.

One Year: Lose 100 lbs or be 200 lbs 34" waist by February 2013

3 Month Goal: Lose 25 lbs

Weekly Goal: lose 2 lbs


visualize success
some physical activity everyday
no takeout on weekdays
small frequent meals
less sugar and starch
less fat
more protein
gallon of water

Monday, November 14, 2005

No really, I should give this up...

I mean what's the point? If I can't stick to this then...

11/14/2005 early a.m.

2 Bagel Sandwiches = 230 + 230 +120 + 90 + 60 + 100 + 30 = 860 kcal

Breakfast 11/14/2005:

Choch Lucky Charms + Milk = 210 kcal

cup tea = 12 oz

Lunch 11/14/2005:

Soup and crackers = 120 + 200 = 320 kcal

Running total = 860 + 210 + 320 = 1390 kcal

OK still manageable. Will do soup tonight and hit the gym. No drinks at the club. Momentary lapse in reason, lets go already. As Eminem says "failure is not an option" :-)

ok hit the gym for only 16 minutes, but it's a start.

Weight = 273 lbs

Dinner & Snack 11/14/2005:

Snack + Soup + Salad = 725 kcal

enough fluids

Grand total: 1390 + 725 = 2115 kcal

+5700 kcal

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